Here are the commands for install fonts
2. Install @expo/vector-icons
To use vector icons like Feather, Ionicons, etc., install the @expo/vector-icons package:
npx expo install @expo/vector-icons
3. Install @expo-google-fonts/roboto
To use Google Fonts like Roboto in your Expo project, install the appropriate package:
npx expo install @expo-google-fonts/roboto expo-font
The expo-font package is needed to load custom fonts.
4. Install Splash Screen (Optional)
If you're using the Splash Screen, install the expo-splash-screen package:
npx expo install expo-splash-screen
5. Link the Font in Your Project
Finally, use the fonts in your app by importing them:
import { useFonts, Roboto_400Regular, Roboto_700Bold } from '@expo-google-fonts/roboto';
let [fontsLoaded] = useFonts({