This is a Flutter app development course for beginners to advanced learners using some technical features like Riverpod 2.0, Sqlite, Firebase login and Local notification.
The app development process is fun, since this starts with a beautiful ui and slowly walks down to advanced concepts like, Sqlite CRUD operations, Generating providers with freezed package, Android dynamic color, Firebase login with OTP and at the end covers flutter local notification both for Android and iOS.
If you take this Riverpod course on udemy, you will have one on one problem question chatting session if you encounter problems. You will have a few downloadable resources. Udemy also includes additional logout feature. It also includes the complete source code.
You may also buy the code on buymecoffee.
You may also get BLoC version of this app buymecoffe
Part 1
Part 2
Tutorial Features
Sqlite CRUD
You would be to create a task, save it the local database, edit and later delete as you want. You can also mark a task completed.
Generating Riverpod Providers
You will learn the latest way of generating code with Riverpod 2.0 code generation package and how to work with generated providers.
We will have providers for sending code and status change, expansion tiles and time management.
We have generated providers for dart
After finishing this tutorial, you will master how to work with different providers.
Freezed Package
We explained in detail how to generate code with Freezed package and understanding of the code.
Dynamic Color
This app shows dynamic colors UI based on users settings on the phone. On Android it can detect the color theme of the users and auto change the our app color itself.
Firebase OTP
We covered Firebase OTP and how to get the code and set the code and login and logout. Since Firebase OTP is also like API call, you will learn how to deal with API call and Providers.
Local Notification
A notification could be set up and shown using flutter local notification package. This notification is valid for iOS and Android.
Local Installation
After downloading the code, you may simply run it both for iOS and Android. You may wish to login with this. If you wanna login, you need to enable Firebase OTP on firebase console.
Test with dummy number
Here let's learn how to test with a dummy phone number. Make sure you set it up in firebase. Watch the video carefully
iOS setup
Here we will see how to set it for iOS. Make sure we have GoogleService-info.plist. Get the array code from below.
Make sure you replace the above string with your string