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This app tutorial covers Flutter for very beginners step by step. We start from very simple ui like drawing text to complex layout using stack and mixture of column and row widget.
We have explained everything in terms of concepts. We have covered Dart core concepts like classes, modifiers (const, final, static), List & Map. After understanding List & Map, we have loaded Map data and shown on the screen.
Not only that, we have given a demonstration of the theory in the code. Every theory is done with pictures or ppt so that beginners can understand easily. The very complex UI layout is explained using detailed pictures.
Step by step we have covered Routing and Navigation with MaterialApp. We shown how routes are connected with Navigator widget and how to manage the stacks of routes.
We also built reusable widget to reduce code amount. So at the end of this tutorial you learn how to build simple to complex reusable flutter widgets.
The widgets we built in this tutorial
The concept we learn here
Complete code for early access
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Some missing information for youtube followers
Map and List for hotel
List<Map<String, dynamic>> hotelList = [
'image': 'one.png',
'place': 'Open Space',
'destination': 'London',
'price': 25
'image': 'two.png',
'place': 'Global Will',
'destination': 'London',
'price': 40
'image': 'three.png',
'place': 'Tallest Building',
'destination': 'Dubai',
'price': 68
Map and List for Ticket
List<Map<String, dynamic>> ticketList = [
'from': {
'to': {
'flying_time': '8H 30M',
'date': "1 MAY",
'departure_time':"08:00 AM",
'from': {
'to': {
'flying_time': '4H 20M',
'date': "10 MAY",
'departure_time':"09:00 AM",
class AppRoutes{
static const homePage = "/";
static const allTickets = "/all_tickets";
static const ticketScreen = "/ticket_screen";
static const allHotels = "/all_hotels";
static const hotelDetail = "/hotel_detail";
E-commerce App
Firebase Advanced Master Class
2025-01-04 05:46:15
I can't download the assets. It say please enter the email and verify the link. But can't able to login and download it. my email hudactgbd@gmail.com
Here https://dbestech-code.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/ticket_app/assets.zip?OSSAccessKeyId=LTAI5t8cUzUwGV1jf4n5JVfD&Expires=36001736410657&Signature=f6RyKAD7AxiU1G7%2FajMEo5Xbfgw%3D
2025-01-02 09:37:45
Please kind sir could you send me the email U can't download the file and images
Here https://dbestech-code.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/ticket_app/assets.zip?OSSAccessKeyId=LTAI5t8cUzUwGV1jf4n5JVfD&Expires=36001736410657&Signature=f6RyKAD7AxiU1G7%2FajMEo5Xbfgw%3D
2025-01-02 09:37:42
Please kind sir could you send me the email U can't download the file and images
2024-12-28 06:35:02
I can't download the assets. It say please enter the email and verify the link. But can't able to login and download it.
Do you get other error?
2024-12-28 06:34:25
I can't download the assets. It say please enter the email and verify the link. But can't able to login and download it.PLease provide
2024-12-26 00:18:40
can't download assets
2024-12-23 21:57:57
I can't download the assets. It say please enter the email and verify the link.
2024-12-23 21:57:55
I can't download the assets. It say please enter the email and verify the link.
2024-12-23 21:55:56
I can't download the assets. It say please enter the email and verify the link.
2024-12-22 11:01:36
Hello i cannot access the image starter files
2024-12-09 17:51:44
i cant dowloand the images either can you sent to my email please ?
Did you check your email? I sent them two days ago.
2024-12-07 07:29:39
I can't download the assets. It say please enter the email and verify the link. But can't able to login and download it.
check your email. I sent you those
2024-12-03 12:18:15
Hi I am getting this error when using the Gap package Performing hot reload... Syncing files to device sdk gphone64 x86 64... lib/screens/home_screen.dart:28:25: Error: Expected ',' before this. Text( ^^^^ /C:/Users/nejin/AppData/Local/Pub/Cache/hosted/pub.dev/gap-2.0.2/lib/src/rendering/gap.dart:43:38: Error: A value of type 'RenderObject?' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'AbstractNode?'. - 'RenderObject' is from 'package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart' ('/C:/flutter/src/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/rendering/object.dart'). - 'AbstractNode' is from 'package:flutter/src/foundation/node.dart' ('/C:/flutter/src/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/foundation/node.dart'). final AbstractNode? parentNode = parent; ^ /C:/Users/nejin/AppData/Local/Pub/Cache/hosted/pub.dev/gap-2.0.2/lib/src/rendering/gap.dart:45:25: Error: The getter 'direction' isn't defined for the class 'AbstractNode?'. - 'AbstractNode' is from 'package:flutter/src/foundation/node.dart' ('/C:/flutter/src/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/foundation/node.dart'). Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'direction'. return parentNode.direction; ^^^^^^^^^
Upgrade your flutter.
2024-11-24 07:49:57
This course has helped me understand the entire concept of Flutter.
Please share the tut
2024-11-24 07:49:50
This course has helped me understand the entire concept of Flutter.
Thanks for liking and sharing