There are a few different ways to convert from a List to Map in Dart.
Let's say we have a list like below
List list = ['steve', 'bill', 'musk'];
If we want to conver it to a list, then we call the below method on the list object
Map map = list.asMap();
Calling asMap() method on the list object would convert it to a map. And it will print below like
{0: steve, 1: bill, 2: musk}
With this approach you convert a list to a map, but we don't have control on this map, since we won't be able to edit this.
The list we have seen above, we can covert to a map in a different way, using for loop.
List list = ['steve', 'bill', 'musk'];
Map map = { for (var item in list) '$item':'valuesOf$item' };
And the result would be
{steve: valuesOfsteve, bill: valuesOfbill, musk: valuesOfmusk}
With this approach you can modify the keys or values as you convert or generate it to a map.
for example, we can introduce a new variable x at the top, and insert it within curly braces with key or value.
List list = ['steve', 'bill', 'musk'];
int x=0;
Map map = { for (var item in list) x++ : '$item' };
Now this would output the same as the first method
{0: steve, 1: bill, 2: musk}
You can also make side changes with x++ and '$item'.
List list = ['steve', 'bill', 'musk'];
int x=0;
Map map = { for (var item in list) '$item':x++ };
You see, in the above code now we have moved '$item' to the left and x++ to the right. and the output is
{steve: 0, bill: 1, musk: 2}
We use Map.fromIterable() contstructor to generate or convert a list to a map.
List list = ['steve', 'bill', 'musk'];
var result = Map.fromIterable(list, key: (v) => v[0], value: (v) => v[1]);
and the result is
{s: t, b: i, m: u}
With the output you can see that, may need to change the indiex as per your need when you convert a list to a map.
Change the index here to access a different key and value
(v) => v[0], value: (v) => v[1]
2025-01-21 10:59:30
ok. thanks
2025-01-21 10:59:28
ok. thanks