Once you upgrade to flutter 3.27,your existing code won't throw error, but you may get blank white screen or black screen.
You may also encounter that, firebase is not connecting.
We need to put the below code in your AndroidManifest.xml file
<meta-data android:name="io.flutter.embedding.android.EnableImpeller" android:value="false" />
Empeller is a new rendering engine. This causes incompatibility and causes blank screen. That's why we set it to false.
When You Should Keep Impeller Enabled
Performance Improvements:
Impeller generally offers better performance for complex animations and graphics-heavy apps.
It was introduced to reduce frame jank, particularly for apps with a high density of UI updates or animations.
Impeller is likely to become the default and fully mature rendering engine for Flutter, and disabling it might make your app incompatible with future updates.