Street View in Flutter

Created At: 2024-05-31 05:42:59 Updated At: 2024-05-31 09:50:40

Let's dive deep into the explanation of the code provided for embedding Google Street View in a Flutter application using a WebView. This walkthrough will cover the setup, structure, and functionality in detail.

Project Setup

1. Dependencies

First, ensure you have the necessary dependencies. The webview_flutter package is used to render web content inside a Flutter application. This package needs to be added to the pubspec.yaml file of your Flutter project:

dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter webview_flutter: ^4.0.6 # Use the latest version available on

Code Breakdown

2. Main Application Entry Point

The entry point of the Flutter application is defined in the main.dart file:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

import 'package:webview_flutter/webview_flutter.dart';

void main() {



  • Imports: The flutter/material.dart package is imported for building the app's UI, and webview_flutter/webview_flutter.dart for embedding web content.
  • main() function: This is the entry point of the app. runApp(MyApp()) initializes and runs the application.

3. MyApp Class

The MyApp class extends StatelessWidget, meaning it does not have any mutable state:

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {

    return MaterialApp(

      home: StreetViewPage(),




  • StatelessWidget: This widget does not hold any state. It is used for parts of the UI that do not change over time.
  • MaterialApp: This widget wraps the entire app and provides Material Design features.
  • home: The home property sets the default route of the app, which in this case is the StreetViewPage.

4. StreetViewPage Class

This class extends StatefulWidget, allowing it to maintain state:

class StreetViewPage extends StatefulWidget {


  _StreetViewPageState createState() => _StreetViewPageState();


  • StatefulWidget: This widget is mutable and can rebuild its UI in response to state changes.
  • createState(): This method creates an instance of _StreetViewPageState, which manages the state for StreetViewPage.

5. _StreetViewPageState Class

The state class handles the logic and UI for displaying the Street View:

class _StreetViewPageState extends State {


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {

    return Scaffold(

      appBar: AppBar(

        title: Text('Street View in Flutter'),


      body: WebView(

        initialUrl: _generateHtmlWithStreetView(),

        javascriptMode: JavascriptMode.unrestricted,




  • Scaffold: This widget provides a structure for the visual interface, including an app bar and body.
  • AppBar: Displays a top bar with a title.
  • WebView: Embeds a web page within the app.

6. _generateHtmlWithStreetView Method

This method generates an HTML string containing the iframe for Google Street View:

String _generateHtmlWithStreetView() {

  // Replace with your actual Google Maps API key

  const apiKey = 'AIzaSyAXTqmXgsUEO_XIICmJhnuNFFkApZB9qA8';

  // Latitude and Longitude for the desired location

  const lat = 37.7749;

  const lng = -122.4194;

  // Create an HTML string containing the iframe

  return Uri.dataFromString('''

    <!DOCTYPE html>



      <title>Street View</title>


        html, body { height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; }

        #street-view { height: 100%; }








        style="border:0; width:100%; height:100%;"





  ''', mimeType: 'text/html').toString();


  • API Key: Replace 'YOUR_GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY' with your actual Google Maps API key.
  • Coordinates: lat and lng represent the latitude and longitude for the desired Street View location.
  • HTML String: Generates an HTML document with an iframe that embeds the Google Maps Street View.

Detailed Explanation

How the WebView Works

The WebView widget allows Flutter to display web content. It takes an initial URL or HTML content to render inside the WebView. Here, the _generateHtmlWithStreetView method generates a data URL that the WebView loads. This data URL contains an HTML document with an iframe pointing to Google Street View.

Using Google Maps Embed API

The Google Maps Embed API allows embedding Google Maps into an iframe. The URL structure includes parameters such as:

  • key: Your Google Maps API key.
  • location: Specifies the latitude and longitude for the Street View.
  • heading: Sets the direction the camera is facing.
  • pitch: Controls the up and down angle of the camera.
  • fov: Field of view, which sets the zoom level.

Customizing the Street View

You can modify the parameters in the URL to customize the view. For example:

  • Change lat and lng to display a different location.
  • Adjust heading, pitch, and fov to control the camera's orientation and zoom level.

Permissions and Platform-Specific Setup


Ensure that your AndroidManifest.xml file includes the necessary permissions:


Update your Info.plist to allow arbitrary loads, which is required for loading web content:




Google Maps API Key

To get a Google Maps API key, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Google Cloud Console.
  2. Create a new project or select an existing one.
  3. Navigate to API & Services > Credentials.
  4. Click on Create credentials and select API key.
  5. Enable the Google Maps Embed API for your project.


This code snippet demonstrates how to embed Google Street View in a Flutter application using the webview_flutter package. It involves setting up dependencies, creating a WebView to load an HTML string with an iframe, and configuring the iframe with the Google Maps Embed API. By following this guide, you can display interactive Street View panoramas in your Flutter app, providing an engaging user experience.

This comprehensive explanation should give you a thorough understanding of the process and the code involved. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to ask!


  • x

    2024-06-10 05:50:23

    This code snippet demonstrates how to embed Google Street View in a Flutter application using the webview_flutter package

    Author response:

    This comprehensive explanation should give you a thorough understanding of the process and the code involved. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to ask!

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