I wanted to upload longer videos from my Laravel backend, but looks like I could not. I got issues like below. The below configuration works with PHP 7.2, 8.0, 8.2 and onwards.
At first it looks like Laravel issue but it's actually issue in the php.ini file. We need to change it.
Find the file
On the terminal run this
php --ini
and you will see the location.
So it would give you the path of php ini on your machine. It's the second line where file locates.
Open the file
Now you need to open the file, you may use vim editor to do it. Do
vim /usr/local/etc/php/8.2/php.ini
Make sure you have the correct path. Then you need to look for two lines
post_max_size = 1024M
upload_max_filesize = 1024M
Do look for them you may a special command and hit enter
You should be able to find post_max_size. If you can not find yet click keyboard letter n and it would go to the next match.
Once you find it, hit i in the keyboard to edit and change as you need.
You should look for the next change using the same command.
Once you make the changes do
esc button press and then :wq
It would save the changes.
Install FPM
After that you need to restart your php service. To restart make sure you have PHP-FPM. If not make sure you run
brew tap homebrew/services
It will install the necessary services.
And then run the below command to make changes effective
brew services restart php@8.2
After that you will find
If it still does not work, make sure you restart your computer.