Laravel Get File or Image from Storage

Created At: 2022-04-30 07:45:45 Updated At: 2022-04-30 19:31:47

We will focus how to retrieve images or files from storage and it's sub folders in Laravel. Specially we will learn how to retreive or show images or files from storage/app/public/sub_folders.

Let's understand a basic command. 

php artisan storage:link

This command you want to use, after creating a folder inside storage folder, whenever you want to retreive files or image that lies in storage or sub folder of storage folder. 

Must know

/ leads to public folder

/storage/ leads to /storage/app/public/

The reason behind this is in the root/config/filesystems.php

Here you will see how storage represents app/public folder inside storage folder.

So storage_path refers to storage folder and storage_path('app/public') refer to  /storage/app/public/

In your laravel blade it would look like this

echo asset('storage/file.jpg'); //without subfolder uploads

echo asset('storage/uploads/file.jpg');

First file file.jpg is right inside storage/app/public/ folder and second line file.jpg is inside storage/app/public/uploads/

For the first line in browser you may type in and

for the second one you will also do the same.




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