Flutter Video Player

Created At: 2023-10-19 08:35:30 Updated At: 2023-10-26 19:35:44

Flutter Video Player ultimate guide. This is one of the most difficult scope of Flutter programming. We will take step by step process and uncover how to use video_player plugin for GetX, BLoC and Riverpod. First we will start with GetX state management. It could be the easiest way to start. Make sure you install GetX. 

Index of the tutorial

Install packages

State variables

Init video player

Complete code

Install packages

Here we will install GetX and video_player package.

flutter pub add get && flutter pub get

We need to install video_player plugin. Let's run the below command

flutter pub add video_player && flutter pub get

State variables

First we will try to separate the variables in terms of reactive programming. The variables we would be changeable and reactive, we would put in a separate class. We would call this class as VideoPlayerState. And inside this we would declare two variables. 

Here we declared two variables

  1. isPlay
  2. initializeVideoPlayerFuture

Here isPlay would be reactive and we would change from our view or ui. With this we would know if the video player is playing or not. Based on the we would also show if we need to change video player image. So we initialize it using obs

And the other variable initializeVideoPlayerFuture would be responsible for connecting stream of videos from the network. This variable would be assigned to FutureBuilder state property.

Create a GetX Controller

Let's create a controller name AppVideoPlayerController and let it extend GetxController. Inside this we will also initialize our VideoStateController class.

class LessonController extends GetxController {
  final VideoPlayerState state = VideoPlayerState();
  VideoPlayerController? videoController;


See in the above class we have extended GetxController and then we have also initialized VideoPlayerState(). Then we have a nullable VideoPlayerController object videoController.

Init video player

Since the controller creation is done, next we can work on initializing video list and a function for video player initialization. 

Up until now, we have created a nullable video player object but we haven't instantiated it. So next in the controller we will do like

class LessonController extends GetxController {
  final VideoPlayerState state = VideoPlayerState();
  VideoPlayerController? videoController;

final List videoList=[

  void onReady() {

  initPlayerWithData() async {
        var url = videoList[0];
        videoController = VideoPlayerController.networkUrl(Uri.parse(url));
        var initializeVideoPlayerFuture = videoController?.initialize();
        state.initializeVideoPlayerFuture = initializeVideoPlayerFuture;

   ...........................rest code will place here.........................

In the above code, first we have initialized all the videos as links in List. I have used the same videos in the List. In general you have different videos coming from a server. Then we decided to call onReady() of GetX to initialized the video player with given data.

  1. First, we get the first item from the List. We need to this to initialize network video object.
  2. Second, we create a video object using networkUrl() function from VideoPlayerController with a given url. Then assign to videoController object.
  3. Third, we actually prepare the video player.
  4. Fourth, we update our state variable which will receive video frames from the network and show to the view.
  5. Fifth, we actually play the video. The play() is coming from videoPlayer object.
  6. Sixth, we update the state variable isPlay to true. This will help to the correct icon on the video player control.

The function name initVideoPlayerWithData() gets called from GetX onReady() function. You may look at the difference between onInit() and onReady() here.

Complete code

Here's the complete code for the video. This code contains the controller. If you want to know more about the video player with different state management, you get check out course below.

Flutter course using GetX

Flutter course using BLoC

Flutter course using Riverpod

class LessonController extends GetxController {
  final VideoPlayerState state = VideoPlayerState();
  VideoPlayerController? videoController;

  final List videoList=[
  void onReady() {


  void onClose() {
    // TODO: implement onClose

  asyncPostLessonData() async {
        var url = videoList[0];
        videoController = VideoPlayerController.networkUrl(Uri.parse(url));
        var initializeVideoPlayerFuture = videoController?.initialize();
        state.initializeVideoPlayerFuture = initializeVideoPlayerFuture;


  playVideo(String url){
    videoController = VideoPlayerController.network(url);
    state.isPlay.value = false;
    state.initializeVideoPlayerFuture = null;
    var initializeVideoPlayerFuture =
    videoController?.initialize().then((_) {
          ?.seekTo(Duration(milliseconds: 0));
    state.initializeVideoPlayerFuture = initializeVideoPlayerFuture;
    state.isPlay.value = true;

class VideoPlayerState {
  RxBool isPlay=false.obs;
  Future<void>? initializeVideoPlayerFuture;


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