Learn about flutter riverpod future provider and how to use it.
Flutter anonymous function and reference in Dart
Flutter Clean Architecture With TDD | BLoC. Here we covered correct app folder structure or architecture to follow with different layers and dependency injection with GetIt.
BLoC copyWith method and ChatState and immutability of objects using dart const and final modifier.
Let's see how easy it is to do animation with Getx. Getx provides the most convenient way to do animation
Flutter Clean Architecture TDD BLoC Course along with Cubit and Provider state management and dependency injection. The course is for advanced learners and complete one is on Udemy. It cover group chat and admin panel with payment.
flutter : Unsupported operation: Cannot add to an unmodifiable list. You will learn how to work with unmodifiable List in dart. Here we will have List as modifiable and unmodifiable
Flutter Clean Architecture With Riverpod
The class 'PreferredSizeWidget' can't be used as a mixin because it's neither a mixin class nor a mixin
Riverpod AsyncNotifier AsyncValue explained step by step with AsyncValue.data(), AsyncValue.loading(), AsyncValue.gaurd()