Flutter Multi Vendor App | Grocery | Food | Shoe Store

Created At: 2023-12-01 21:59:22 Updated At: 2024-05-01 01:11:36

Flutter Multi Vendor app for grocery store, restaurant app, food delivery and e-commerce app.  This app is designed to be scalable and a template for following purpose. This app course is suitiable or could be used as system design.


You may use it for

1. food delivery app

2. grocery app

3. e-commerce app

4. shop app or clothes app

5. accessory app

6. system design course

Because it has different panels like for users, vendor and super admin panel. This also comes with a carrier boy or delivery boy app. You have to get the source for each section differently.

All the four panels are done developing and we may add new features in future.  Once you buy the app source code, you will get continuous update from the given link.

Technology Stack

1. Nodejs Express framework for rest api

2. Backend database MongoDB

3. Flutter for User, Vendor, Delivery and Super admin app

4. Firebase for notifications

5. Nodemailer for sending emails

Project Features

1. End user app

2.Vendor app

3. Admin app

4. Delivery boy app

All the above technologies like Nodejs, MongoDB and Flutter for modern scalable and beautiful app. 

End User App Features

1. Email verification login

2. Phone number verification for order process

3. Locate user's location

4. Nearby restaurants or shop and order products

5. Choose variety of options of products during product or food placement

6. Use address or default address for shipment

7. Find popular food or products

8. Search food based on given category

9. Search items based on user intention

10. View orders and history

11. Stripe payment features

12. Receive notification for orders process from restaurants

13. Await on verification process

14. Deleting account

15. Send feedback from the user end to admin panel

Vendor App Features

1. Email verification login

2. Waiting to be approved

3. Search address in google map

4. Upload restaurant logo and cover photo

5. Create tags for food

6. Upload food detail like name, price, tax, ingredients

7. Upload food images

8. Receive orders

9. Dispatch orders to delivery boy

10. See uploaded products or food

11. View orders and history

12. Request payment from Admin

13. Manage orders (pending, confirmed, processing, deliverying)

Delivery App Features

1. Accept orders

2. Cancel orders

3. View finished orders

4. View total earnings

Admin App Features

1. Verifiy restaurants

2. Cancel restaurants

3. View all the orders

4. View all the users

5. Confirm restaurants transactions

6. Create food categories

7. View drivers

8. View feedback from users

Installation guide

Go to the link for complete installation guide. We are updating the guide as we are working more.

Multi vendor app installation guide

Change log

19. 01-05-2024 Added notifications for all panels

18. 18-03-2024 Added dynamic location to profile page

17. 17-03-2024 Added rating features

16. 10-03-2024 Added feedback features

15. 15-02-2024 Updated address on home page and update on phone verification

14. 10-02-2024 Released Admin app

13. 12-01-2024 Added phone verification and notifications

12. 03-01-2024 Updated correct distance mapping from restaurant and user app

11. 02-01-2024 Updated user location, better address form and overflow issue

10. 14-12-2023 Updated awaiting page on user app

9. 13-12-2023 Updated installation guide

8. 12-12-2023 Updated Restaurant app (registration and waiting)

7. 10-12-2023 Phone number verification

6. 08-12-2023 Email verification

5. 07-12-2023 Restaurant app released (first version)

4. 05-12-2023 Delivery boy app released (first version)

3. 04-12-2023 Update google map accuracy for location selection

2. 02-12-2023 Order screen update with status like pending, successful, cancel

1. 01-12-2023 First version User end (first version)